Blog Post


  • By Admin
  • 05 Apr, 2017

Fire Safety Tips for Your Business or Organization

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Running a food business isn’t an easy enterprise. With so much to take into account when operating a restaurant, contemplating about what you would do in the unfortunate event of a fire is almost certainly the last thing on your mind. Nonetheless, with all the activities in the kitchen and the possibility of other fire risks, it’s vital to take a few fire safety procedures to decrease hazard and keep your staff and customers safe.
The licensed fire experts at Independent Fire and Safety recommend the following fire safety tips for restaurant owners:

Do a Fire Risk Assessment

A fire risk assessment by a licensed fire expert is highly recommended for restaurant owners. By inspecting your venue, any potential risks can be spotted. You can take proper actions to safeguard staff and customers, while also minimizing the probability of expensive damages to your business.

Always Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Poorly cleaned kitchen is one of the most common reasons of fires in restaurant kitchens. Maintaining a clean and tidy kitchen plays a critical part in fire safety. Make sure your kitchen isn’t cluttered because a disorganized kitchen that is messy can make it difficult for your employees to operate in a safe and well-organized manner, while also giving potential fires more fuel.

It is strongly recommended that cooking equipment be regularly examined to ensure they are clean and free of baked-on grease.

Have Clear Rules of Engagement for Kitchen Staff

To reduce the potential of fire, staff should behave in an appropriate manner while cooking. Your employees should never play near the cooktop, especially when cooking is in progress. Never leave hot boiling or frying items unattended. Make sure that your staff wears appropriate uniforms in the kitchen. Long sleeves, for instance, can easily catch fire. Flammable items such as paper or towels should also be kept at a distance.

Install Smoke Detectors

Install smoke alarms on every level of your restaurant, inside kitchens, stores and main areas. Smoke alarms are usually your first line of defense when it comes to fire safety. Be sure to also test these detectors from time to time, once a month is recommended.

Have A Plan In Case Of Emergency

No one wants a fire, but there should always be a preparation in case something happens. One of the major things you should have is a plan. When a fire strikes, your staff and customers are usually caught off guard, having a plan if this happens can help prevent utter confusion and ensure a decent evacuation.

Always Have Fire Extinguishers On Standby

In the event of a fire, putting it out properly is critical to avoid a larger blaze and setting the entire kitchen or building on fire. Fire extinguishers should be placed in key locations across the building. It is important to be familiar with how to put out a grease fire as some approaches can make it worse. In the event of a grease fire, the most important thing to do is to cover the skillet, pan, or other source of fire with a lid or a cookie sheet to overwhelm the blaze. Certain things like water, flour should under no circumstances be used to put out this type of fire as it can cause it to blow out of control.
For more restaurant fire safety tips, call the licensed fire experts Independent Fire and Safety in Kern County, California.

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